27 March 2007

27 march 07

This is the only watercolor portrait of a baby I've done. It was a present for one of my oldest friends on the birth of her first grandkid. I used only transparent, single pigment paints for this. I think they were aureolin, cobalt and permanent rose. I've been using Nita's palettes with my Quiller wheel and his books too, probably for a few years now. Jeanne Dobie is also wonderful. And Charles Reid is an idol.

I stayed away from opaques for the first few years I went back to watercolor (after a 35-year block -- another story) because I kept getting mud and didn't know why. So I went to transparents and pretty much stayed there. Now I am trying a few opaques -- with wildly varying results.

08 March 2007

Hatch Lake, NY

Hi, here's another watercolor I liked doing. This one's about 22 x 7. I painted it -- in watercolor -- after sunset one evening in late fall, when this scene nailed me right between the eyes. I had to go right home and paint it before I lost it.