15 April 2007

Autumn in April?

This is a watercolor pouring and ink experiment I did this weekend. I just dripped, tipped, poured and waited until I saw the scene for my ink. Critiques welcome.

By the way, all; weird weather, huh? We're snowing all day for two days. I thought I was done with snow scenes for the year. Never know.


1 comment:

  1. This looks great and something I think you can build upon, this process. Using your intuition and your knowledge to create something unique and beautiful. Pouring always gives the viewer such awonderfully beautiful stained glass look. I thinks its because we don't push the paintinto the fiber by rubbing the paint into the paper with the brushes. All of us love painting and sometimes we love the strokes too much. Pouring can show you something about the medium and what it can do all on its on.
